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Writer's pictureAwake IL

We Stand With Vandy

Shame on the IL State Board of Education. Shannon and Steve provided some background and recap this afternoon.

As Vandalia 203 has harnessed local control to draft their own covid mitigations (mask optional), the State Board of Education (ISBE) put them on probation. The Vandalia 203 appeal hearing was scheduled for last night via Special Meeting and was being streamed publicly by the district for the community to observe.

This made the hearing moderator and the ISBE representatives very upset.

There is NO rule prohibiting the IL State Board of Education from engaging in this hearing publicly. So, this begs the question: What does the ISBE have to hide?

The zero transparency policy is entirely inappropriate when tax payers have very real concerns and deserve a seat at the table.

"ISBE may consider this entire process a little more than a dog and pony show that we may present evidence that we are compliant with something that isn't even a standard set by ISBE. I think undermines the entire process the integrity of what should be taking place here and it's just another chapter in what is a very offensive invasion of local control and we're not going to allow that invasion to go so far as to impel us to violate the open meetings act."

-Vandalia Attorney Jerry Stocks

#WeStandWithVandy and salute this board for not wavering. They are fighting for their local control and made every effort to maintain integrity and transparency. Please send their board a show of thanks by emailing them here:

Sample text:

Hello, Vandalia School Board 203.

Thank you for not wavering before the State Board of Education during the Feb. 1, 2022 hearing. I applaud your desire for transparency and your respect for the Open Meetings Act rule. The community of taxpayers deserves to witness the hearing. Shame on the ISBE for not granting it. We hope your status is reinstated and resolved soon.

Keep the faith and know people throughout IL stand with you.


(Insert Name)

Additional next steps:

Email the following ISBE reps with the link to this blog. This will let them know we are paying attention to their unacceptable conduct. We, the People are AWAKE and have had ENOUGH. ISBE and the Governor have to own this fight they have waged with local communities and step up to public hearings OR end the political plays and stay in your line. What will it be?

ISBE Emails:


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