Via Freedom of Information Act Request (F.O.I.A.), the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) responded a week ago to our public records request for all school responses to the 2022-2023 Personal Health and Safety and Sexual Health Education Survey. This survey was issued for the last 2 school years and will be issued for 3 more years. It's imperative that parents understand the nature of all the resources used by your district and to submit the opt out forms as necessary.
After viewing the survey results, our organization sees many opportunities for continued awareness on radical sexual education and parental rights empowerment (opt out). Our goal is to see the columns listing "# of students opting out" rise exponentially by next survey (Summer 2024) as more awaken to the need to protect children from radicalized sex agendas. We respect that each family is unique and that some aspects of personal health and safety resources are beneficial.
However, the alignment of "heath" and "sexuality" with the National Sex Education Standards is RADICAL and concerning. This isn't just about policy, it's about PARENTING. Opting out of radical sexual education is a top parental rights issue in Illinois education.
GOOD NEWS: 552 out of 758 public districts/regions responded that they are NOT exposing students to radical sexual activism at school. Most schools are NOT opting in to telling children they are born into the wrong body or acting as "sexual spirit guides" to minor children.

Per the survey, the top districts with higher percentage of students opting out of comprehensive sexuality education:
Hazel Crest SD 152-5 (North of Homewood):
101 out of 101 = 100% of K-2 students opted out
25 out of 90 = 27.78% of 3rd-5th students opted out
14 out of 80 = 17.5% of 6th-8th students opted out
East Prairie SD 73 (Skokie):
50 out of 130 = 38.46% of K-2 students opted out
45 out of 136 = 33.09% of 3rd-5th students opted out
113 out of 502 = 22.51% of 6th-8th students opted out
Jersey CUSD 100 (Jerseryville):
58 out of 488 = 11.89% of 3rd-5th students opted out
113 out of 502 = 22.51% of 6th-8th students opted out
CCSD 62 (Des Plaines):
K-2: Not Applicable
130 out of 1268 = 10.25% of 3rd-5th students opted out

BAD NEWS: Several large K-12 school districts are reporting low numbers of opt-out students, if any at all.
Chicago Public Schools responded that ZERO students were opted out of radical sexual education for the 2022-2023 school year. More than 55,000 Kindergarten through 2nd graders were exposed to this comprehensive education last year. Parents have to inquire as to which school and teacher used any particular resource. Classroom resources listed on the survey include Lurie Children's Hospital which endorses and prescribes irreversible puberty blockers for developing children. Note: We since submitted a request to Chicago Public Schools this week to verify survey responses.

Some of the largest public school districts in Illinois are indeed leaning in to this radical agenda. The following districts reported the amount of students who were exposed to comprehensive personal health and comprehensive sexual education (CSE) last year:
Chicago Public School District 299: 245,299 students
Elgin U-46: 20,398 students
Oswego District: 16,031 students
Peoria School District 150: 12,700 students
Evanston District 65: 6,175 students
How many of those children were told they are born into the wrong body?
How many of these children were told that puberty blockers are an ethical form of medicine?
How many of these children were exposed to radical sex activism and discussions?

ATTN PARENTS: Stand in the gap and be the barrier between your child and any misguided agenda aiming to indoctrinate or groom your child against your wishes. SUBMIT THESE FORMS TODAY-certified mail is best but they may be emailed.
To view the survey responses as provided by the IL State Board of Education, please click here or click the image above. Document may also be downloaded. Columns may be sorted as desired. Updates will be posted to the blog as they are received.
NOTE, The ISBE survey is limited.
At least two large districts that are utilizing Comprehensive Sexual Education resources are NOT listed as respondents to the survey. One district (Naperville 203) confirmed they replied to the survey and yet are not listed in the pubic records request survey data. Via public records request, we know Lurie Children's Hospital was paid for providing Naperville District 203 with trainings. Resources were sent to staff referencing chest binding resources, puberty blockers, estrogen, and testosterone (see photo below).

Survey responses are on the honor of the Superintendent/primary contact who submitted survey between May and July 2023.
SUGGESTION: ISBE would do well to ask PRINCIPALS of each IL school district to respond (vs. district level responses) with the goal of capturing specific opt-in/opt-out and curricula/resource data.
If your district responded "Yes" to "Provide Instruction" be sure to look at the student population that was exposed to comprehensive education last year. Submit questions and commentary to your district leadership accordingly and submit the opt out forms to be added to your student's file. These forms are very specific to particular resources that may be used in the classroom. You may also ask your principal for a school-specific form to supplement any opt out.
If your district responded "No" to "Provide Instruction" it is worth relaying your appreciation to district/school leadership for choosing not to expose students to Comprehensive Sexual Education. The opt out forms are still a worthy addition for ALL students, even in districts where they haven't adopted Comprehensive Sexual Education as a formal policy. Some teachers may still pursue classroom resources that align with the radical and misguided agendas such as gender identity and puberty blockers, etc.
By high school, opt outs are basically non existent. We believe the best use of opt out forms is for grades K-8 combined with intentional parenting and dialogue happening at the dinner table, at church, and within the boundaries of the family unit. When children know YOUR values and expectations versus that of any radical activist agendas, they are better equipped.
For more in-depth resources on the nature of comprehensive sexuality lessons and how they came to be implemented into Illinois law, visit www.awakeIL.com/optout. Please contact us at protectkids@awakeIL.com with any feedback or updates on this topic.