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Writer's pictureAwake IL

Domestic Advocates

Happy Monday! So, a lot of updates in Illinois and beyond. Here is a recap:

1) The IASA held a back-patting event in Springfield last week. The hypocrisy was on full display in their tone-deaf social media posts. Dr. Adrian Talley was a highlighted speaker. He is Superintendent of the 4th largest school district in Illinois. While the parents who attend his district meetings are told to mask at the microphone, he is exempt from his own rules. Look at all those smiling faces on a stage gathering for photo opps. Just like your kids' lunch hour or homecoming, right? Wrong.

If you want to share your thoughts on this event, please contact IASA at (217)753-2213. Also, please tell your district administrators that you will be speaking at district meetings, unmasked, just like the Superintendents were allowed at this Springfield conference.


Europeans think we are mad. This video is going viral around European circles, wondering what we are doing in US schools.

UK: Face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas.

Norway: no masks on kids

Netherlands: no masks <13, and only outside of class for HS students

France: no masks <6, more loosening of restrictions later this month

EU center for disease control advice no masks <12

Does Europe love their kids more? Do they love their teachers less? Or do they simply understand that kids aren't "silent super spreader vectors" and that masks are awful, ineffective theater?

We must speak for the children as they cannot speak for themselves.

3) The National School Board Association is very annoyed by the advocacy of parents and citizens. They are so annoyed that they are whining to the Biden administration asking to label us advocates as "domestic terrorists". For real. Please see the coalition statement led by Parents Defending Education, which was signed by Awake Illinois and numerous other advocates throughout the country in response to the NSBA. It was released last Friday on behalf of our 421,000+ members:

We, the Parents, are United in wanting the best for our posterity. We are mothers, fathers, active military, veterans, and we come from all races, creeds, and backgrounds. We are proud Americans and the biggest defenders of our founding principles.

It isn’t easy work to speak out against oppression or tyranny but we do it under the protections of the US Constitution. The only terror in any of this is the desire to cancel liberty.

We are Awake Illinois and we cannot be canceled.

4) Numerous lawsuits are being filed around IL. We stand with every parent, educator, and employee who is fighting for the rights of all Illinoisans against the government overreach of forced facial masking, viral testing, and coerced Covid vaccination. We also support the districts and administrators who are fighting for local control over their schools. Check Awake IL Twitter for the realtime updates on lawsuits.

5) Dr. Fauci wants to cancel Christmas and holiday gatherings. We suggest he read the United States Constitution. It's kind of a cool document.

Have a great week, everyone!


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