Thanks to CHD for sharing the following information in their newsletter.

We need everyone on this ASAP! This bill will be called up in committee on Wednesday, January 19th at 9am.
If this bill passes, ALL residents of Illinois will be INVOLUNTARILY entered into the “Immunization Data Registry” controlled by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Please do the following:
Fill out a witness slip as an OPPONENT of HB4244. (see below)
Pick three Representatives on the Human Service Committee to call and ask them to vote NO on HB4244. (see below)
Go to this link to find the members of the committee and click on their name to get their office phone number.
Click the following link to fill out the witness slip.
Fill out the form as shown in the sample witness slip below.
Be sure to check the OPPONENT box.
RALLY UP! In 2021, we encountered unprecedented censorship, more lockdowns, gaslighting and lies from the media, rampant corruption, and the illogical sacrifice of our children to feed the façade of the “greater good”. The silver lining to all of this is that many of us have AWAKENED to the problem. 2022 has rolled in with new challenges: the overt discrimination and segregation of society, based on immoral and fundamentally illegal proof of vaccination mandates. Our awareness needs to translate into ACTION. Illinoisans are ready to RISE UP, STAND UP and SHOW UP to end these tyrannical public health orders! Attend a rally, respond to calls to action, sign up to volunteer, donate to support our organization. We need YOU! RALLY ROUNDUP Below is a listing of upcoming rallies. Please come out to any and all that you can. We need to show up in HUGE NUMBERS to show that Illinoisans WILL NOT sit back and watch our state continue to go down in this way. Please bring signs, family, friends and children, too! Teaching our kids how to stand up for their rights and have them know that we are fighting for them is one of the best gifts we can ever give them. Wednesday, January 19, DES PLAINES, 11:30am - 1:00pm Bundle up and rally up to defeat the mandates at Des Plaines City Hall, 1420 Miner Street, Des Plaines. Saturday, January 22, NAPERVILLE, 11:00am - 1:00pm "Take A Stand Against Child Discrimination" As the DuPage Children's Museum discriminates against children on the basis of medical status, it's time we show up IN PERSON and respectfully demonstrate our opposition. This discrimination is wrong! Note: currently there is NO order to check vax status in DuPage County, so they are doing this entirely of their own volition. What is allowed in Naperville will spread through all of DuPage County, so this is our chance to say NO more. This stops here!! Join us, STAND WITH US on Saturday the 22nd, DuPage Children's Museum, 301 N. Washington Street, Naperville, from 11am-1pm. Bring kids and signs!! Stop the mandates and let the children play! Sunday, January 23, WASHINGTON, D.C., 11:30am EST “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” Join us in Washington D.C. on January 23rd. More information can be found at and @defeatthemandatesdc on Instagram. #DefeatTheMandatesDC EMPOWERING YOUTH & PARENTS EMPOWERING YOUTH & PARENTS: Leadership Through Movement Event Children ages 8-18 will be guided by our instructors to embody these leadership initiatives taught in the language of dance, movement, mindfulness practices and breath work: • Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable • Standing in your authentic power with integrity • How listening can influence good leadership During the session, parents will be able to socialize in a separate area and listen to an educational session with Dr. Crystal Landers, who will discuss polyvagal theory and tools to calm the nervous system during these challenging times. Kids and parents/guardians will come together at the end of the session for a dance party. Tea and coffee will be served. Kids $15 each, Parents/Guardians Free Admission. Click below for tickets:GET TICKETS
OUR LEGISLATIVE TEAM NEEDS YOUR HELP! The CHD IL Legislative Team is asking the people on our CHD – IL email list to please send us your contact information and address so that we can organize legislative action by constituents in IL Legislative Districts. If you haven't yet, please fill out the Information/Google form below. Your information will be kept confidential.CHD IL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM CHD IL Business Directory The Children’s Health Defense Illinois Business Directory is now available for all CHD IL members to access! Supporting like-minded businesses is the best way to fight against these unlawful mandates and discriminatory practices. #DoNotComply Please continue to encourage like-minded businesses to send in their submissions, as this is a wonderful resource for our community!
Access the CHD IL Business Directory Are you the owner or operator of an IL business or resource that you would like to submit for consideration to be included in our CHD IL Business Directory? Please fill out the form below! We are looking for submissions for IL businesses that are aligned with medical freedom and personal choice. We also wish to help support the businesses owners within our network. Examples may include local farms, wellness practitioners, educators/alternative schools, financial advisors, credit unions, carpenters, spas/beauty salons, childcare, entertainment venues, restaurants. We will only accept submissions directly from the business owner and will share this directory with our contacts. Thank you!
Submit Your Business **CHD IL reserves the right to decline any business submission based on our discretion. How much is your freedom worth? Stand with the Illinois Chapter of Children's Health Defense in protecting medical freedom in our state. Make your donation today to support this important work in helping all Illinoisans. Your service and donations make a BIG difference in what we can achieve here in Illinois! Thank you!DonateAbout Us Children's Health Defense - Illinois Chapter CHD Illinois Board Members: Elizabeth Lennon - Colleen Frayn - David Dorn - Paula Voigt - Karen Healer - Angel Oakley STAY IN TOUCH! **NEW** Stay informed of CHD Illinois events by signing up to receive occasional text messages: TEXT "YES" TO 312-605-1992 ~connect with us on social media~ Join our Telegram Channel! To keep up with CHD IL news, events, and updates, join here. Be sure to also join the corresponding discussion chat group here. Facebook Telegram Instagram
Children's Health Defense - Illinois | 4000 W. Montrose Ave, # 877, Chicago, IL 60641
Thank you for all you are doing! I am an American first patriot who has been praying fervently for months about the masking of our children in IL. I had no idea that your organization existed. Though my children are grown I am sick at heart for the abuse that IL children have had to endure with the face masks. Keep up the good work.